Downtown Santa Rosa Parking
In all City Owned Garages: First hour of parking is free!
AND Free parking in City garages every weekend from the first Saturday after Thanksgiving through New Year’s Day!

Parking Garages
First Hour Free - Hourly rates (below)
- 7th Street - $0.50/hour | 521 7th Street
5 minute walk to Courthouse Square - 5th Street - $0.75/hour | 735 5th Street
4 minute walk to Courthouse Square - 3rd Street - $1/hour (Public Restroom Available) | 625 3rd Street
1 minute walk to Courthouse Square - D Street - $0.75/hour | 97 D Street
2 minute walk to Courthouse Square - 1st Street - $0.50/hour | 555 First Street
3 minute walk to Courthouse Square

Parking Lots
Hourly rates (below) effective 9am-6pm
- Ross & B - $1/hour | 521 5th Street
2 minute walk to Courthouse Square - 7th & Mendocino - $1/hour | 608 7th Street
4 minute walk to Courthouse Square - 2nd & E Street - $1/hour | 769 2nd Street
4 minute walk to Courthouse Square - 5th & D Street - $1.50/hour | 730 5th Street
4 minute walk to Courthouse Square - 5th & B Street - $1.50/hour | 540 5th Street
3 minute walk to Courthouse Square

Parking Downtown

555 First Street
Hourly Rate: First Hour Free, then $0.50/hr Maximum Daily Rate: $6 Monthly Rate: $62 Low Wage Monthly Rate: $31 Free from 1am to 6am

625 3rd Street
Hourly Rate: First hour free, then $1.00/hour Maximum Daily Rate: $10 Monthly Rate: $160 Free from 1am to 6am

735 Fifth Street
Hourly Rate: First Hour Free, then $0.75/hour Maximum Daily Rate: $8 Monthly Rate: $70 Free from 1am to 6am M-Sa Free Sundays

97 D Street
Hourly Rate: First Hour Free, then $0.75/hour Maximum Daily Rate: $8 Monthly Rate: $95 Free from 1am to 6am M-Sa Free Sunday

521 Seventh Street
Hourly Rate: First Hour Free, then $0.50/hr Maximum Daily Rate: $6 Monthly Rate: $62 Low Wage Monthly Rate: $31 Free from 1am to 6am